
RepliGo, my favourite PDA software

Often when you surf newsgroups, RSS feeds and webpages you stumble across interesting articles that you want to read but don't have the available time at that moment. One trick is to bookmark it in del.icio.us with the tag "read_later". I tried that and it didn't work for me, because when I have time to read I'm not in front of a computer.

The solution is the brilliant software RepliGo. When I find a webpage I want to read later it is just one click, and the article is on my Palm PDA after next synchronization. RepliGo documents keep the original appearance, fonts, graphics, and formatting intact and provide a reflowed text view for easy reading on small screen devices. RepliGo is also installed as a printer, so you can print to your PDA from any software. I have done som unscientific tests, and RepliGo produces smaller document files then Acrobat PDF.

My PDA is almost always available, so with RepliGo I can catch up with my reading in the bus, at home or in bed even.

RepliGo reader is available to Windows, Palm OS, Pocket PC, MS Smartphone, Nokia Series 60 and Symbian UIQ.

Link: Cerience, RepliGo


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