
Hacking my circadian rythm

When I read Steve Pavlinas post "How to Become an Early Riser" something clicked inside. I recognized the pattern he described with an uneven sleep pattern. His solution to stay productive but still sleep enough each night to regain full strength is very logical.

The solution was to go to bed when I’m sleepy (and only when I’m sleepy) and get up with an alarm clock at a fixed time (7 days per week). So I always get up at the same time (in my case 5am), but I go to bed at different times every night.

I get up early every morning five days a week to get to work, so why not get up early on Saturday and Sunday too? I've decided to give this method a month, and I started August 1st. So far I'm very pleased, those hour on weekend mornings can be very productive. I'll get back with a report next week.


Blogger Eden said...

I am really curious as to how this experiment will work for you!

I've often felt that I would like to do this as well, but I must be a wimp, cuz I like to sleep in when I can.

Also, when I get up at 5am for work, the first thing I do is shower and get dressed for the day. ARe you doing this on your off-mornings too!

I really hope it works for you! Are you able to relax too in the mornings, or are you really focused on being productive?

2:33 AM  
Blogger Eden said...

I am really curious as to how this experiment will work for you!

I've often felt that I would like to do this as well, but I must be a wimp, cuz I like to sleep in when I can.

Also, when I get up at 5am for work, the first thing I do is shower and get dressed for the day. ARe you doing this on your off-mornings too!

I really hope it works for you! Are you able to relax too in the mornings, or are you really focused on being productive?

2:35 AM  

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