
I'm a doodler

I'm a hopeless doodler. My notebooks are full of small, weird drawings in the margins. My friends call it my personal "Screensaver". When I relax during a meeting I will unconciously start to doodle. So you can imagine my notebooks from school...

I have saved a lot of notebooks through the years mostly for the doodles, but a couple of months ago started to clean out my desk and cabinet. I scan the best doodles before throwing away a notebook, and so far I have collected about 50. My intention is to make a digital gallery of them in the future.

So it was happy surprise when I stumbled upon DoodleArchive, it's not open yet but it will be a website for the sole purpose of showcasing and documenting the art of the doodle. Until it opens you can order DoodleCards on which you create a doodle and return to the archive. Of course I want to participate, so I have ordered mine.

Many people doodle in meetings, when speaking on the phone, during seminars. Why? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with drawing skills, a doodle can just be a collection of circles or decorating the phonenumber that was just written down. If I were to approch these people and ask them to make a small drawing they would decline, "I don't know how to draw!". So doodling seems to be something you do unconciously when you are relaxed and happen to have pen and paper at hand. Some kind of brain feedback through the eyes? Whatever the reason, don't feel bad that you doodle, it shows that your brain is fully functioning and that your creativity is flowing.

Link: DoodleArchive.com


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